The Documentation Center is being remodeled, and the former Permanent Exhibition is now closed. Instead, a specially conceived, compact Interim Exhibition in the Large Exhibition Hall presents the history of the Nazi Party Rallies and the Rally Grounds. You can find out all the details about visiting the Interim Exhibition here
Information about your visit at the Documentation Center
Important note:
The former Nazi Party Rally Grounds will not be accessible from June 4 to June 10, 2024 due to the major event "Rock im Park"!
The interim exhibition "Nuremberg - Site of the Nazi Party Rallies" remains open. Please indicate at the security check that you would like to visit the Documentation Center.
Travelling by public transport is recommended from June 3, 2024, as no car parking spaces will be available.
Registered groups travelling by coach can use the coach parking spaces shown on the map, however it is not possible to drive around the Congress Hall.

Běžná otevírací doba
pondělí - neděle: | 10 - 18 hod. |
Mimorádná otevírací doba o státních svátcích 2024
19. kveten (Svatodušní nedele): | 10 - 18 hod. |
20. kveten (Svatodušní pondelí): | 10 - 18 hod. |
30. kveten (svátek Božího tela): | 10 - 18 hod. |
3. ríjen (Den nemecké jednoty): | 10 - 18 hod. |
1. listopad (svátek Všech svatých): | 10 - 18 hod. |
24. prosinec (Štedrý den): | zavreno |
25. prosinec (1. svátek vánocní): | zavreno |
26. prosinec (2. svátek vánocní): | 10 – 18 hod. |
31. prosinec (Silvestr): | 10 – 18 hod. |