Dokumentation über den Spieleautor Alexander Randolph (2022)

Im Rahmen des Lucca Games&Comics Festivals widmeten der Filmemacher Luca Bitonte und der Spieleexperte Andrea Angiolino dem Spieleautor Alexander Randolph anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstages diesen Dokumentarfilm. Gedreht wurde an verschiedenen Orten in Italien, der Wahlheimat Alex Randolphs, aber auch in Deutschland und in den Räumen des Deutschen Spielearchivs Nürnberg. Zu sehen sind auch Einblicke in unsere Foyerausstellung "Jeder trägt ein Spiel in sich!", die im Jahr 2022 ebenfalls den Spieleautoren ehrte. Im Rahmen unserer Kooperation dürfen wir den Film mit englischen Untertiteln hier präsentieren.

A Lucca Comics & Games production powered by Lucca Crea.
Directed by L. Bitonte
Texts A. Angiolino

Alex Randolph: Regista di giochi

Alex Randolph has been "the inventor of the game inventor job", as he ironized when he was awarded the first Gradara Ludens prize. Releasing more than 150 games in his life, he has been one of the first professional to make board game design a full time job. Through interviews to game designers, illustrators, publishers, experts that met and collaborated with Randolph, we trace his life from his infancy to his first creative debuts as a writer and in advertising, and then as a one of the most influential game designers ever. We see how games have always played a role in his life. We also explore his own vision of the game author, taking care not only of rules and game mechanics, but of every aspect of the player's experience - hence the title of the documentary, "Alex Randolph, Director of Games". In the movie we visit Venice with Randolph's houses and studios, and the little wood workshop where he spent many days designing pawns and gadgets for his games. And the German Games Archive in Nuremberg where we see his original prototypes and the famed Beer Coaster Pact, a symbol of the struggle by Randolph and his colleagues for game authors' acknowledgement and recognition. Overall it is a unique insight on Randolph's views on playing and life, on his tecniques and on his legacy and influence on today's gaming scene.

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